How to Analyse Adultification Bias & Inequality in the Safeguarding Response

 Wednesday 3rd May 2023, 1.00-2.30pm

It was only a year ago that a government adviser said the strip search undertaken in the case of Child Q should 'horrify us all'.* This was not the first review to raise questions about the types of bias a young black person might face.

Some analysis and some reviews are silent when faced with the need to analyse potential adultification bias. In some cases the language used is of huge importance. It's time to ask ourselves why this might be and how we can get better.

Where we are using language around 'cultural competence' what do we mean by this? How are we addressing it? Where can we exert challenge even when what we see is 'expected practice'? This conversation takes us outside of our comfort zones in many cases and this is our opportunity to reflect together on how this could be different. 

I am offering an opportunity to explore analysis of potential adultification bias and the 2023 context we are operating in with Jahnine Davis, Director of ListenUp research. For this FREE virtual training opportunity, we are offering 90 minutes of experience, creative insights and plenty of opportunity for Q and A. 

I am Donna Ohdedar, & I support review commissioners, participants, quality assurance professionals & reviewers to improve the quality of reviews. I want to share a live conversation I will be having with Jahnine where we will respond to questions from you, the live audience.

You are invited to this free live podcast workshop designed for those involved in Safeguarding Adult Reviews, Domestic Homicide Reviews & Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews. Younger black people and how they are seen in analysis is an issue for each of these three types of review NOT for only safeguarding practice reviews. 

Join us for 90 minutes of discussion plus Q & A, where we will share our thoughts & invite questions from you, the audience. Our aim is to shed light on the situations we encounter in reviews just like the ones you contribute to, read, quality assure or write.

Click here to join.

Donna Ohdedar, Head of SILP

Jahnine Davis

Jahnine Davis is one of the UK’s leading specialists in the safeguarding of Black children – with a core focus on adultification bias. Jahnine’s PhD research explores safeguarding responses to Black children when harm is outside of the home. Jahnine has over 20 years’ experience of working in both the charitable and statutory safeguarding arenas. This includes her current role as a member of the National Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel. Jahnine is the Co-Founder and Director of Listen Up, a company established to amplify lesser heard voices in child safeguarding research, practice, and policy.

The Learning Experience

This free live workshop will take place as a virtual discussion for you to join with ‘video on’. We are taking your questions on the day. Please let us have your questions here by midday Friday 10th February. Afterwards we will send the recording to our editor to publish as an episode of the Safeguarding & Domestic Abuse Sector podcast [click here for more details].

You can choose whether your question will be included in the podcast episode after the event.

Are you ready to learn & reflect with us? You know it will be inspiring & thought provoking. Our aim is to support the learning & improvement community to unlock positive changes in their next review.


*Nimco Ali, Chief Executive Five Foundation and Advisor on Violence Against Women and Girls to the Home Office, March 2022









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