Impact-driven commissioners of reviews understand the value of an engaging process which leaves participants motivated & ready to implement the learning on the ground. The test is always how happy agencies are to embark on future learning activity:
‘The make or break’ question for these commissioners:
What is the difference between the review which transforms the agencies’ views of themselves & the system in which they operate, switching on light bulbs, and offering a proportionate end product with only a handful of implementable objectives which fit with the organisational strategic vision…
… and the one which struggles to stick to timetable, is resource intensive and alienates key agencies, whose style is to hold them to account & which produces voluminous ‘paper’ & layers of recommendations?
The biggest differentiator between those are
The reviews which prioritise learning from strong practice as well as tackling shortcomings are able to increase engagement levels & understand the tools & techniques which make virtual events a highly motivational & personalised experience. The reviewers themselves are trained & mentored in active leadership alongside a commitment to create a safe yet robust environment for learning.
Tried & tested over 11 years in 250 reviews SILP’s focus on the participant experience & to streamlining written elements has differentiated it from other approaches to reviewing cases.
Leading from a place of deep impact and honouring the organisation’s need for proportionality, SILP reviews generate the momentum for change, prioritising the value that the practitioner & the family bring to understand why events unfolded as they did .
To explore how we can offer a fixed price offering for your partnership, perhaps lending itself to a thematic review of a sample of cases, click the link for an informal discussion with me
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