Do you favour proportionate reviews which engage practitioners and families? Do you want to learn from and emphasise positive practice across your partnership?


If your agencies work well in a safe yet robust environment where open learning is encouraged and paperwork is minimised, the SILP model may suit your review.

Our reviews embrace the ideal of proportionality, and we offer a wide range of approaches, all of which encourage systemic thinking. Tried and tested in over 200 reviews, SILP is an effective learning model which operates on a sliding scale.* Reviews can be started using good quality rapid review materials, for instance, where these are available.


The SILP process involves bringing together practitioners, strategists and agency authors to debate the case and contribute to how the overview report will look. Our reviewers are trained to create a sensitive, inclusive environment, which encourages practitioners to embark on these learning experiences again and again for their own development. We therefore involve ourselves heavily in preparing attendees personally and supporting them throughout the review process.


SILP has been described by participants as action learning, who have commented on its problem solving approach and quality of outcomes :


The SILP process allows for more meaningful learning, its less threatening for practitioners, so they are willing to engage as all agencies work together to identify the learning outcomes with the help of the facilitator, rather than being told what they are by a panel. The SCR can lose sight of the learning in favour of producing a good enough report.’                                  

Designated Lead Nurse for Safeguarding


* Learning reviews in particular require fewer days on many occasions.



Browse some of the feedback from a 2021 review below:


‘The purpose & process was made very clear at the beginning.’


‘improved understanding of multi agency approach. It is useful to meet with other professionals directly involve din the case, in order to discuss learning.’


‘It has given me time to reflect on my own practice & consider what I could do differently going forward.’


‘useful to have an overview & ability to discuss in partnership – understand different perspectives’


‘Purpose & aims of the day were gone through at the beginning of the day.’


‘Its difficult to go through this process having known [x] so well, but I have equally found it very constructive & I feel positive that some good changes can come from the learning. I feel [y] has been an excellent chair & has managed the meetings really well in difficult circumstances.’


Whether your review is a Safeguarding Adult Review or a learning review, the same principles are applied. 


The overall purpose of a SAR is to promote learning & improve practice, not to re-investigate or to apportion blame. The objectives include establishing :

a) lessons that can be learnt from how professionals and their agencies work together;

 b) how effective the safeguarding procedures are;

 c) learning and good practice issues;

 d) how to improve local inter-agency practice;

 e) service improvement or development needs for one or more service or agency

You Can Expect

 Whether you choose the Standard SILP* or Virtual SILP* you can expect :

  •  scoping meeting
  •  authors briefing
  •  2 consultation events
  •  3 drafts of the overview report 
  •  presentation of the overview report for sign off

At the point of commissioning we are flexible & will accommodate changes or additions to the approach outlined. However, our non-negotiable is that the underlying principles of proportionality, engagement & learning from strengths must be preserved.


The SILP review is a fixed price offering for your partnership if the standard model outlined above is followed. In the case of any additional attendances or unforeseen changes, any extra days are offered at a day rate. Click here to contact us and receive details of our latest rates. 


Suitable Cases

We have not yet come across a review which would not be suitable for use of the SILP model. The more important factors for us to consider together when we decide if we are a fit for working together are :

👉🏻 your partnership’s requirements regarding outputs – [length of report, recommendations, questions, findings]

👉🏻 the tasks your partnership prefers to do in house/outsource [we provide templates, standard letters, powerpoint presentations, direct email addresses for queries]

👉🏻 an appetite for open learning without fear of blame, defensiveness & with the full  support of organisational leaders


All SILP reviewers have passed our university accredited training course & receive 1:1 mentoring in every SILP review they undertake. The training and mentoring is designed to promote active leadership alongside a commitment to create a safe and robust environment for learning. Prioritising learning from strong practice and increasing engagement levels with practitioners and families is a major focus for all SILP reviewers. As is achieving proportionality, especially when it comes to streamlining written elements. Browse the details of some of our SILP reviewers** here.

Browse some of our SILP overview reports here.

SILP Trained Partnerships

Click here to consider how to become a SILP trained partnership.

Informal Discussion

Contact us here to discuss your review. We can advise you of the available reviewers we have & let you have all the details you need. We are always happy to speak with you. If you don’t select us for the review under discussion, we may be a useful connection for one another when a future review opportunity arises.

*SILP is a registered trademark, & only reviews commissioned via Review Consulting are authentically named as such

**we update our website regularly but not all reviewers will appear at any one time as our reviewer cohort changes. When you ask us to submit a bid for your review we will offer CVs & other details of the reviewers available at any given time

About Donna Ohdedar

Donna has 16 years public sector experience, including her last role as Head of Law for a leading metropolitan authority. Now a safeguarding adviser & trainer, Donna is involved in serious case reviews in both children’s and adults’ safeguarding, domestic homicide and is a SILP Reviewer and Mentor. Donna offers ‘SILP School’ her university accredited training course, CPD for reviewers & a free online network for leaders in review practice. She is also the host of the Safeguarding and Domestic Abuse Sector Podcast. Click here to hear the latest episode.


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